Ocosta Elementary had a great week sponsoring Kindergarten Jump Start. Students spent time in the building learning about Ocosta.
2021 Summer Food Service Program
Starting Tuesday, July 6th, at Ocosta Elementary, "Grab 'n Go" meals will be available to pick-up between 11:00am & 11:30am for all children under 18 years old. The Summer Food Service Program will run Monday - Friday, July 6th to July 30th.
Contact the school at (360) 268-9125 if you have any questions!
Bus changes for Monday, June 14
Morning - all routes will be on time except for Rt 5 (which will run about 15 minutes late).
Afternoon - Late Routes
Rt 7 approximately minutes late
Rt 3 approximately 30 minutes late
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
There will be a change to a couple bus routes this week.
For the morning pick up, if your student rides routes 1, 2, 4, 6 or 7 their bus will be on time. If your student rides route 3 or route 5 the bus will be about 45 minutes later than usual.
For the afternoon take home, if your student rides routes 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 their bus will be on time. If your student rides route 6 they will be about 30 minutes later than usual. If your student rides route 7 they will be about 15 minutes later than usual.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
The Ocosta School District will return to full in-person learning on Monday, May 24. If your child has been required to quarantine, please contact the attendance line at the school 360-268-9125 extension 2017 for the elementary and 3014 for the junior/senior high school. The Ocosta School District is requiring a 14-day quarantine for those that have been in close contact or have a positive Covid-19 test.
If your child is showing any symptoms, please keep them home and seek advice from your medical provider.
Please read the attached letter from Superintendent Sweet:
Ocosta Receives Music Grant from the Community Foundation of South Puget Sound
On March 15th, the district received a letter that stated the Community Foundation of South Puget Sound approved a $15,000 grant to support the Ocosta High School Band program. The award is made from the Jack and Neddie Rose Farrington Endowment Fund. On behalf of the Ocosta School District, I would like to thank the Community Foundation of South Puget Sound for their generous donation to the Ocosta music program. Band teacher, Mr. Lakey, has great ideas for the band program and this donation will help him achieve those goals!
Ocosta Elementary will return to 4 days a week in April.
Fourth through sixth grade will return to a 4 day a week schedule on Monday, April 19. Kindergarten through third grade will start 4 days a week beginning on April 26. Please go to the website for more details.
Please visit the district website or the Ocosta Facebook pages to read a letter regarding updates to the second round of Pandemic-EBT Benefits.
Exciting news for our school community. The school is able to test COVID symptomatic students through a program called Learn to Return. This is an oral swab and much easier for students to self-administer. If your student has symptoms, we are happy to assist you in getting a test.
Updated Bus Information for Tuesday and Wednesday:
Tuesday - Route 3 will run about 10 to 15 minutes later than usual in the morning
Wednesday - Route 6 and Route 7 are combining for the day and some pickups may be a couple minutes later than usual
FREE TUTORING 24 hours a day!
Ocosta School District has partnered with FEV Tutor to provide around-the-clock access to high-quality tutoring. Check out the video below to learn about this service and the opportunity to earn a $10 gift card:
Good morning Wildcats!
The safety of our community is our number one priority. Due to road conditions, the district will be unable to complete our meal runs today. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause our families. Stay safe and warm. See you on Tuesday!
Please take a moment complete our re-entry planning survey. We still do not have dates for re-opening, but would like parent feedback. We have added the Department of Health Decision Making Tree information and a letter from the GH Public Health Officer to our website.
Here is a link to the survey. Please complete for each student in your home.
It's time for all 11th and 12th graders to take the ASVAB. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) If students have a score of 31 or above they meet the graduation requirement for testing. We also encourage students to take this test, as it opens another door to the future. (Students are still required to take the Smarter Balanced Assessment in the spring.)
Dates for Ocosta students are October 23 and October 30 at either 8:30 or 12:30. Please RSVP with your advisor. Testing will be socially distanced, masks are required.
Grays Harbor Youth Works in conjunction with the Ocosta Jr/Sr High School After School Program will be offering a virtual open house to find out more about opportunities through GHYW. Grays Harbor Youth Works provides students in Grays Harbor the opportunity to intern and job shadow people in careers that they would potentially want to further explore. Students could earn money and high school credit through this program. The virtual open house is on Monday, September 21 at 6:00 pm. For more information and the Zoom link, please call 360-589-0914. This is a great opportunity for our Wildcat students! For an application got to the After School program's link at ocosta.org.
The Ocosta School District has been awarded $20,000 from the Grays Harbor Community Foundation for the elementary music program. Music teacher, JR Lakey, started at Ocosta in the fall of 2019 and had very few materials to work with. Mr. Lakey is also the executive director of The Garage: Music and Arts Center in Aberdeen.
The district is excited that they have someone with such a vast background in the community leading the music program.
This grant will give Mr. Lakey the opportunity to buy the instruments and supplies to start a music program that can grow into a comprehensive music program district-wide. A bulk of the money will be to used to by Orff instruments, which include xylophones, glockenspiels, and percussion instruments. District Superintendent, Heather Sweet, stated that there are so many possibilities for our students to learn music using Orff instruments.
The district greatly appreciates the support for the arts from GHCF.
Remember that TOMORROW (Tuesday, Sept 1st) is our Chromebook pick up day. Please go to the website for pick up times at ocosta.org. We are trying to streamline the amount of people in the building and getting you through as quick as possible,so please send one adult family member.
Every year we have guardians log on to Skyward Family Access to update their students information for the upcoming school year. This year, you will need to complete the online update to pick up your students' Chromebook on September 1. Please log in using the Ocosta School District website, ocosta.org. clicking on menu, scrolling to the bottom and clicking on Family Access. You can then enter your login and password.
Please call the school offices if you need your login and password.
Superintendent Sweet has just announced that Ocosta will have remote learning to begin the school year on September 3, 2020. Please go to the website and click on menu button, then fall re-opening and click on Ocosta Parent Update July 31, 2020 for more information. This letter can also be found on the district Facebook pages.