Mike Hinkston- Route 6 (He loves running all the routes) Mike shared, that after retiring in 2018 here in Westport; which we totally love, and having watched every episode of Andy of Mayberry several times in my recliner, my beautiful wife thought I needed to get out of the house for a few hours. And SO... that is how I ended up driving a school bus for Ocosta Schools. This has been one of the most fulfilling and rewarding opportunities in my long working career. Before coming to Washington Mike taught for 17 years at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
11 months ago, Heather Sweet
Mike in front of an Ocosta School bus
We are hosting our 2nd Annual College and Career Fair April 18th. We are looking for panelists to talk about various careers from 9-11:30am, and the job fair/summer hiring event from 1-3pm!! Let us know if you are interested!
11 months ago, Lindsey Quinby
Families of Ocosta Students, The Ocosta School District is always working toward continuous improvement.  Please see the attached document for the link/QR code to complete a 10-minute survey to provide feedback for us to review and consider as we make decisions.   Thank you for taking the time to help us provide a quality education to your child.
12 months ago, Kristin Griffith
Ocosta Family Survey Link/QR Code Flyer - English
Ocosta Family Survey Link/QR Code Flyer - Spanish
Today the elementary started the One School, One Book initiative. Go to Ocosta Elementary's Facebook page to listen to the principal, Mrs. Samuelson read the first three chapters of The Tale of Despereaux. T
12 months ago, Heather Sweet
A mouse with a red hat on his head.
🐾🍎 January is School Board Recognition Month! Please join the district in thanking all of the school board members for their hard work and dedication to Ocosta 🍎🐾
12 months ago, Kristin Griffith
School board recognition month poster
School is running on time today, Friday, January 12.
about 1 year ago, Heather Sweet
Hey seniors and senior parents/guardians! FAFSA/WAFSA (post-secondary financial aid) night is coming up on January 17th at 5:30-7:30pm in the Jr/Sr High School library. If your student is thinking about or going to college or a career school after graduation, they should come to this informative meeting to learn more about available financial aid resources.
about 1 year ago, Kristin Griffith
Red and Blue FAFSA/WAFSA Parent Night Notification
Ocosta School District Board Work Session is scheduled for Thursday, December 14, 2023, in the Ocosta Jr/Sr High School Library at 6:00 pm. The agenda is McKinstry's presentation on HVAC options for the Jr/Sr High and potential funding sources.
about 1 year ago, Heather Sweet
Ocosta School District's Highly Capable Program Notification This is the notification of the referral process for highly capable services. The referral packet is available in Spanish as well as English. Anyone may refer a child for assessment; to do so please contact your school. The referral window is December 11th through January 15th. The testing will occur at the end of March. Notificación del Programa de Altamente Capaz del Distrito Escolar de Ocosta Esta es la notificación del proceso de derivación para servicios de altamente capaz. El paquete de referencia está disponible tanto en español como en inglés. Cualquiera puede derivar a un niño para que lo evalúen; por favor contacte a su escuela. La ventana de referencia es del 11 de diciembre al 15 de enero. Las pruebas se realizarán a finales de marzo.
about 1 year ago, Kristin Griffith
Highly Capable Program Referral Image with Lightbulb
With the cooler weather and ice showing up in some parts of the District, it is important to know there are several ways the Ocosta School District communicates in case of a school delay or closure. Please reference the list below in order to obtain accurate information. Thrillshare: Call/Text/Email It is our goal to notify each family by phone. In a standard school closure situation, families will receive a call, text, and email by 6:00 a.m. Ocosta Elementary and Ocosta Jr/Sr High Facebook Pages We do our best to post emergency delays and closure information on our district Facebook pages after using our alert system. Ocosta Website and App (Live Feed) www.ocosta.org Local News & Weather Stations Information regarding local school district delays and closures is reported by the local TV and radio stations. They also post this information on their websites. If Ocosta is not specifically mentioned, schools will be operating normally. Or http://www.flashalert.net The district uses many methods to alert families of changes. Please call the school office if you need to change any of your contact information so there is no delay in obtaining the correct information.
about 1 year ago, Heather Sweet
Due to road conditions, today, Tuesday, November 28, school will be two hours late.
about 1 year ago, Kristin Griffith
Due to road conditions, today, Monday, November 27, we will be three hours late, due to road conditions.
about 1 year ago, Heather Sweet
On Tuesday, December 12th, from 5:30-7:30, Connections (formerly the Child Advocacy Center located in Montesano) will be in the Ocosta Jr/Sr High School Commons presenting Darkness to Light. This training is a revolutionary evidence-based sexual abuse prevention program that educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child abuse and child sexual abuse. Designed specifically for individuals and organizations that serve children and youth. Child care will be available in the high school library with our after-school program staff. Please register using the QR code or at www.D2L.org.
about 1 year ago, Kristin Griffith
Stewards of Children Darkness to Light Training
6th-8th grade Washington DC Trip: Families will be able to join the meeting Wednesday 9/20 via the Livestream link (https://schooltrip.us/OcostaWA25)- the Parent Meeting is virtual (not at the school). The presentation is about 25 minutes. Families will have 30 minutes after the presentation to enroll digitally and receive the $500 Early Bird Scholarship. We'll be available to answer questions via text or phone call via 800-275-3980.
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Quinby
6th-8th Grade Parents, Join us Wednesday, September 20th - 6:30 PM for the 2025 Washington DC trip meeting. If you haven't already, please RSVP now via this link: https://rsvp.worldclassrooms.com/rsvp/8176569928?rsvp_id=8176569928 Join meeting here: https://schooltrip.us/OcostaWA25 Don't miss out!
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Quinby
Ocosta's Birth-to-3 Child Find screening is taking place on October 12th from 9-2pm. If you have concerns about your child's development, please call 360-268-9125 ext. 1006 to get more information or to schedule an appointment.
over 1 year ago, Kristin Griffith
Fall Child Find Screening Notice
6th-8th Grade Parents, Join us Wednesday, September 20th - 6:30 PM for a 25-min digital meeting on the 2025 Washington DC trip. Each traveler is eligible for an Early Bird Scholarship of $500! Click to RSVP: https://rsvp.worldclassrooms.com/rsvp/8176569928?rsvp_id=8176569928 Click to join: https://schooltrip.us/OcostaWA25 Don't miss out!
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Quinby
SPORTS junior high (6-8th grade) parent meeting today 5:15 in the high school gym
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Quinby
This is a reminder: Junior High Mandatory Parent Meeting tonight at 5:15. Location will be the HIGH SCHOOL GYM. See you there! (If you are a high school parent who missed the high school meeting, please feel free to come!!)
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Quinby
Updated Fall Sports Schedules as of 9/6
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Quinby
Fall Sports Schedules