Greg Miller, Nate Krigbaum, Duane Pegg, Ben Quinby, and Debbie Carter-Bowhay
The Ocosta School Board of Directors welcome the community’s attendance at all Board meetings. Board work sessions are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7:00pm and Board meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The Board meetings are held in the Jr/Sr HS Library. Agendas for the meetings are available through the Superintendent’s Office and are posted on the District’s website under "Board Agenda" in the menu tab. An opportunity for patrons to comment is available at each meeting. Changes in meeting dates, times, or location are publicized on the school district's website.
For additional information about school board meetings, please contact:
Superintendent’s Office
Ocosta School District
2580 South Montesano Street
Westport, WA 98595
Phone: 360-268-9125 ext. 1000
Email: Kristin Griffith, Executive Assistant, at